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Skiing, Fun and Friendship

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What Do You Need To Join?

Prospective members must be 55 year old. You then need standard information about yourself, name, address, birth date, phone number and email address.

This year, we are requesting upload of a photo of photo ID, such as a drivers licence or provincial ID. We want to be able to verify name, address and age. The purpose is two-fold. The first is to verify age. The second is to help protect our members. Without some form of ID, anyone could provide information that would qualify them to join and then attempt to get contact information on a potentially vulnerable group - Seniors. From a privacy perspective, we have no need of a drivers licence number or provincial ID number. You can cover or redact the numbers and bar codes, if you choose. Once we have checked the ID against the information provided on the application form, we will delete the photo.

If you would like an overview of the process, please see our How to Join document.

You then may want to read over our Waiver to which, at some point in the process, you have to accept. Then grab your credit card for the $25 membership fee.

After you have entered all the required information and loaded a photo, a Membership Volunteer will check your information and accept your application. You will then receive an email confirming your membership.

Since you have already clicked 'Join Us', just enter your email and click Next.

Member - $25.00 (CAD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: October 1st No automatically recurring payments

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